Fighting for All of Us: Activist Asian American Women Interest Form

    The University of Delaware would like to invite you and your students to a virtual film festival highlighting the work of Asian American activists who worked across ethnic groups to make the U.S. a more just and equitable society. UD invites high school teachers and their students to participate in classroom discussions and to join us for virtual panel discussions with faculty from UD, the producers of the films and, in one instance, family of the activist.

    We are excited to open this opportunity to area schools free of charge. Teachers and administrators who register for the events will be sent teaching resources and discussion materials, a password-protected link to the films (which can be shown in a 14-day window either in class or assigned to students), and a link to register for the panel discussions on April 28 and May 5 (details below).

    We hope both of these films and the scheduled programming will spark conversations amongst your students and foster understanding about unity, cross-racial activism and about the diversity of individuals who worked to shape U.S. history and who struggled to make our country one that lives up to its founding ideals.

    See below for descriptions of the films and brief bios about the two activists under discussion.

    Panel Discussion on Yuri Kochiyama: Passion for Justice, April 28, 2021 @ 6 p.m.

    Yuri Kochiyama was a passionate fighter for equality and justice across many social justice movements in the United States. She supported the Black Liberation Movement, fought to end the Vietnam War, for reparations for Japanese Americans interned during World War II, and for the Civil Rights movement—among other causes.

    Join us in a viewing of the documentary Yuri Kochiyama: Passion for Justice (streamed in a 14-day window around the panel discussion), which delves into her legacy and her activism. Teaching resources will be emailed to participating high schools as well as a link to the virtual panel discussion with the producer of the film, Yuri Kochiyama’s family members and faculty from UD. We encourage schools to submit student questions for our distinguished panel. (Access links and information for the film will be emailed after registration.)

    Panel Discussion on American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs, May 5 @ 6 p.m.

    The Detroit activist and philosopher Grace Lee Boggs lived her life imagining a new and better world, and strove to make real what she imagined. She became involved in labor, civil rights, environmental and feminist movements in the U.S.

    Join us in a viewing of the Peabody award-winning documentary American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs (streamed in a 14-day window around the panel discussion). Teaching resources will be emailed to participating high schools as well as a link to the virtual panel discussion with the producer of the film and faculty from UD. We encourage schools to submit student questions for our distinguished panel. (Access links and information for the film will be emailed after registration.)

    We encourage all schools to sign up for both events, but feel free to register for the one that best fits your class schedule and curriculum.
    Please select which event (or events) you'd like attend:
    Please select which event (or events) you'd like attend:
    Would you be interested in speaking with the Asian American Antiracism Initiative at a later date about the possibility of future events?
    Would you be interested in speaking with the Asian American Antiracism Initiative at a later date about the possibility of future events?